Does Swimming with Prolapse Get the Green Light?

 I get asked repeatedly in my physiotherapy clinic and my Pelvic Power Movement Community whether ladies who experience prolapse can and should be exercising. For many, a prolapse diagnosis hits them hard, and the huge fear is that it is a life sentence that will stop them from ever doing the things they enjoy again. And for most, this is not true.


Knowing the right balance between...

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Is a Stiff Pelvic Floor Even a Thing? It Certainly Is!

Today, I am delving into a topic that may not come up in everyday conversations but is undeniably essential for our well-being: a stiff pelvic floor. It is something many women might feel uncomfortable discussing, but it affects our health in more ways than we realise. So, let's take a moment to dive into the intricacies of this somewhat mysterious topic.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty,...

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BURNOUT! Why Is Life So Overwhelming?

We discuss many taboos in our community, most of which revolve around our genitalia. But not all. Another taboo topic that we discuss a lot is mental health.

Times are changing, and the taboo is decreasing, but it is still very hush-hush. There is no denying that. Many of our community members are struggling because two of the biggest concerns in their life – pelvic health and mental...

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